Asbestos Removal

With any old building there is inevitably some asbestos involved. Thats why we partner with a leading Sunshine Coast company who are licensed for B Class asbestos removal. We have years of experience working together and we work with reputable hygienists.  We are able to ensure asbestos is removed and disposed of safely, and that all trades who come in behind us are not exposed to the harmful fibres.

  • Asbestos Contaminated Soil Removal
  • Asbestos Roof Removals
  • Internal/external Asbestos Strip-outs
  • Asbestos Soffit Removal
  • Drilling for service access

At AZCO, we understand the importance of safely removing asbestos from your premises.  Our team is fully trained and has the necessary licenses to ensure that asbestos is removed and disposed of in accordance with Queensland state regulations. 

We also understand that it's not just about removing asbestos but doing so in a way that leaves minimal contamination on the premises.  Talk to us about how we can help make your premises safe.

What is Asbestos?

It's a mineral that is highly resistant to fire and heat and was commonly used in the construction of homes until 1995.  However it was discovered to contain cancer causing properties, especially if inhaled as dust.  Consequently any renovation or demolition where asbestos is present requires removal.  The procedures for removing and disposing of asbestos is regulated by Government.

Why choose AZCO for your Asbestos Removal?

We are demolition contractors with many years of experience in safely removing and disposing of asbestos. Our partners hold a B Class asbestos removal license and the team has the training, experience and know-how to remove all asbestos and leave the premises in a safe state.

Apart from that, our team is committed to providing reliable and high quality work.  You can be assured that we'll work diligently on your project too.

Contact us to find out how we can contribute to your next project.

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Looking for asbestos removal for your commercial project?  Click the button and we'll send you a free, no obligation quote for your project.  Let's get started...